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mardi 11 mars 2014

Samsung Galaxy S4 Smartphone Review

Over the last few generations of phones Samsung have got a lot right in terms of hardware and marketing. They really began to get some real traction in the Android marketplace with the S2 and by the time the S3 was ready for release they were a real force to be reckoned with in the smartphone market. When they then announced the S4 in March the event was massive, a singing, dancing presentation covering many of the handsets key features and a massive step on from their previous launch events.

As HTC have found keeping the lead in such a fast paced industry is hard and despite Samsungs recent success and massive launch event if a product doesn't live up to expectations things can go very wrong very quickly on the sales front. So what of the S4, is it enough of an upgrade from the S3 to entice current users? Can it compete with the impressive build quality offered by the HTC One? Today we take a look at the new model to see how it fairs in the current market.

Packaging and Bundle

Galaxy S4 packaging Galaxy S4 packaging
When opening our shipping box for the S4 we were a little taken aback by the retail packaging as at first glance it appears to be a wood box. As it turns out that isn't the case though, this is just a decent representation in cardboard and upon lifting the lid we find the phone suspended in a tray with the bundled items beneath.
S4 included bundle
Samsung include some product documentation and a voucher for their music download service along with the usual compact charger, USB cable and headphones with multiple ear buds.

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